Final IEP Meeting
January 25, 2010
January 21, 2010
After lots of praing since last IEP meeting, and soul searching, I have realized that I am not quiting on Johnathan if I quit wasting my time and energy fighting an organization that clearly does not care about my childs education.
The only reason I have continued to fight the school district the last 8 years is because I know my son deserves an education.
I am still completely disgusted that laws have been passed to be sure our children get an education based on eachs individual needs, but somehow in the double-tongue of the educational laws that individual means school, not child. To know there are laws that prevent them from having to properly feed our children (unless we know to spell out the exact amounts and times given in the PLEP of the IEP), but beyond that, to know that they do not have to offer these children the therapies they need to succeed, just the basics.
Some tell me the middle school here in Independence is amazing with special needs children. I can say their staff fought hard than any other in the last 8 years for Johnathan to come. However, after 8 years of lies, and Johnathan being neglected and abused while truly in their care, his having to do without in the waiting, It doesn't matter where the school is or how good they may be, I could never trust the school district with my non-verbal, non-mobil child after the last 2 years we just had.
I have decided that morals are what my son needs to be educated on. And between scouting and church, he will get the education he deserves, and an education that counts. I have the opportunity to be sure of it also, no more double talk, no 2-sided tongues, and no loop-hole laws.
SICKENING that the educational laws in the state of Missouri allow your children to legally be abused and neglected. I will watch my "normal" kids' educational process a lot closer after learnign what they have no problem doing with their "special" children.
After lots of praing since last IEP meeting, and soul searching, I have realized that I am not quiting on Johnathan if I quit wasting my time and energy fighting an organization that clearly does not care about my childs education.
The only reason I have continued to fight the school district the last 8 years is because I know my son deserves an education.
I am still completely disgusted that laws have been passed to be sure our children get an education based on eachs individual needs, but somehow in the double-tongue of the educational laws that individual means school, not child. To know there are laws that prevent them from having to properly feed our children (unless we know to spell out the exact amounts and times given in the PLEP of the IEP), but beyond that, to know that they do not have to offer these children the therapies they need to succeed, just the basics.
Some tell me the middle school here in Independence is amazing with special needs children. I can say their staff fought hard than any other in the last 8 years for Johnathan to come. However, after 8 years of lies, and Johnathan being neglected and abused while truly in their care, his having to do without in the waiting, It doesn't matter where the school is or how good they may be, I could never trust the school district with my non-verbal, non-mobil child after the last 2 years we just had.
I have decided that morals are what my son needs to be educated on. And between scouting and church, he will get the education he deserves, and an education that counts. I have the opportunity to be sure of it also, no more double talk, no 2-sided tongues, and no loop-hole laws.
SICKENING that the educational laws in the state of Missouri allow your children to legally be abused and neglected. I will watch my "normal" kids' educational process a lot closer after learnign what they have no problem doing with their "special" children.
Posted by Tonni Brende.