So we had this years IEP meeting. I had a letter all typed ready to go stating there was no reason for us to discuss anything since the Independence School District isn't educating kids like Johnathan, or offering updated therapies, so we had nothing to discuss but transfering to another district.
HOwever, since Johnatahn's IEP and evaluations are all expired, new ones needs to be done before placement can even be discussed. So then I stated that the school was not capable of doing adequate evals on Johantahn since they have no one trained in aug comm. Shockingly, they agreed. They also discussed other tests that their staff needed to perform, but I again stated I would get an outside agency to perform them also.
Our aug comm eval was scheduled for last week, but due to the flu, is rescheduled for 2 weeks. I will have it done in Columbia, as I hear they are top notch. I have yet to be able to schedule the other testing with Regional Center, but am working on it still.

I have hope, but still will watch my back all along the way, for these peopel have done nothing but prove that my son is not their interest or concern.