November 7, 2016

Sadly our blessing van has turned out to be a major nightmare. We started having some basic issues right away, thought they were no big deal, but within 6 months, we learned that our van had major electrical issues. For the last year, we have spent every extra penny we could get on it, even left it at a shop for 6 months so the wiring could be redone to the fuse box. We replaced the computer 3 times now, rewired the fuse box completely, and we can finally start and stop the ignition, but nothing else electrical works any more. Even our transmission isn't shifting out of 1st gear cause the electrical, no heat, no ac, no radio, no electrical ramps...NOTHING.

Now, we had taken the van back to United Access about a month after purchase because the ramp had fallen off on one side. They fixed it, but we had to pay $50.00. At that time, they informed us that the motor for the ramp was going out. I thought they would get everything fixed at no cost, but sadly, I was given a bill for $1000. I contacted Fox 4 to get help with this bill. They found a place that would do the work cheaper, so we eagerly agreed. While at that appointment, I was told there was nothing wrong with the motor, so I had the new mechanic call United Access to find out what the issue really was. That is when I learned that the mechanic at United Access that worked on our ramp had accidently screwed into the motor by using too long a screw. United Access charged us for their screw up. So, my $20,000 blessing that turned into a money pit nightmare may have been known as a nightmare before it was even sold to us.


Feb 27, 2014


United Access in Kansas was a great group to work with. First Hand Foundation, Friends of Man, KAT, and McDonald's on 24 Hwy at 291, they all helped make this dream come true. THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH.

May  15, 2013

The link below will take you to Johanthan's fundraising page, so that your donations are protected thru Pay Pal. 


                                                                       HOPE FOR JOHNATHAN


Johnathan is a 14 year old young man that strengthens all that knows him with just his smile. He was born with cerebral palsy and is non-verbal and non-mobile.  He has grown to be 5 foot tall already and weighs almost 90 pounds; only 5 inches more to reach mom. He has had 18 surgeries in his short life, and has 3 more that he currently needs. His orthopedic doctor is in St Louis. We travel there at the least, every 3 months. 

Johnathan loves going for car rides every chance he gets. He doesn’t care where you go, or for how long you go, just as long as he gets out at least for one stop. We try to get him out at least every other day; however, our van is truly falling apart. We are currently looking for funding for the purchase and adaptation, if necessary, of a dependable handicap accessible van. 

Handicap accessible vans run about $20,000 plus; some dependable and adaptable vans can be found as cheap as $5000, yet it costs another $5600 minimum to adapt the vehicle. We have learned that these vans, which are like the one we currently own, that have the ramps inside the side doors are actually unsafe. Wheelchairs are can tip very easily with basic straps. My mom, who had a stroke and is in a wheelchair, fell to the side, hitting her head on our ramp. Thankfully, she was wearing her helmet. I worry about Johnathan doing this almost every time we go for a drive. This is why I am trying to find funding for a van that has the ramp either under the side or in the back of the van.  All donations will be placed in a fund for the purchase of a dependable handicap accessible van.

We thank you for all of your help getting Johnathan back on the road.

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