Feb 22, 2011 


Johnathan will be granted a wish of his dreams from the Make-A-Wish Foundation!!! I am so very excited for him. When you get the packet and read the flier and parent's guide, you get even more excited about what is to come. Two individuals, Johnathan's Wish Granters, are coming tomorrow to get to know Johnathan a bit and get the process started.

I posted a video a while back on YouTube called "Johnathan's Wish, can you help" Make-A-Wish does not purchase any motorized vehicles, and I feel that a handicap accessible van would be Johnathan's number one wish. We purchased one a few years back, but quickly we learned it doesn't meet our needs. Make-A-Wish could choose to adapt our van, but I efar it would cost waay to much money, for all the carpet would have to be replaced, the windows resealed to stop the leaking, the seats would need replacing and rear air and heat needs to be installed...LOT'S OF WORK.

However, the parent's guide states that they prefer no influence from family. They feel the child has earned the right to be selfish this one time and want their wish to truly be their once in a lifetime choice. I agree. I am excited to just be a part of whatever Johnathan chooses. They say to let them be creative and they will find the wish. I can't wait. I think he would choose the ability to go for car rides every day, but he may also choose  a visit to Sesame Street instead. We will have to wait and see.

They also say it is not just about the wish, but an entire experience for the whole family. This too is very exciting. I truly can't wait to see hwo this all goes.


Feb, 23, 2011

Today we met with JJ & Stewart, Johnathan's Wish Granters. Johnathan got i-pod speakers that light up and the lights move to the beat of the music. Zane got a glass baseball bank and Connor got a glass football bank. All the boys were very happy.

So, after talking to the guys, I realized that I may be being selfish in thinking a cruise or Disney World would nto be good choices. So, we decided to check out the Disney and Nichelodeon Cruise Lines and research Disney World a bit more, in tryign to come up with at least 2 wish choices. After researching, we still stand by Wish #1 being a van make over. And we feel Wish #2 would be the Beaches Caribbean Vaction with Sesame Street Daily. It sounds amazingly fun adn all Johnathan's favorite people will be there for activities all day long.

Now the Wish Granter's have to wave their magical wands and see what they can make happen, then they have to bring their findings to the board, who will then let us  know Johnathan's Wish in about 3-4 weeks.

I am very eager to see the outcome.

April 4, 2011

Seems Make-A-Wish has a motto about offering the ultimate dream for the child. So, Johnathan will be going on a weeks vacation with all the Sesame Street characters at the Turks & Chacos Islands. I can't wait to see his face when he meets Elmo & Ernie for the first time...no camers will be used for this moment, for that one will be treasured in my mind.

We have chosen 3 dates, June, September and November, that gives plenty of play room for them. I am a bit nervous now, for we chose that dates when my doc said my treatment wasn't going to start until November; now they have moved it to July. I have requested that another get to go just in case I am having a bad day and can't do my part to help out. They have approved this, after I got doctors letters stating the need. I am very greatful for this, as I would hate to damper any part of Johnathans Wish.

I am so very excited for him!!!

I will continue to pray something comes thru on a handicap accessibl van; as Johnathan is getting bigger every day and the need for the van grows with Johnathan. God is great, so I know when it is a must, it will happen.


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