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Final IEP Meeting

Posted by Tonni Brende on Monday, January 25, 2010,
January 21, 2010

After lots of praing since last IEP meeting, and soul searching, I have realized that I am not quiting on Johnathan if I quit wasting my time and energy fighting an organization that clearly does not care about my childs education.

The only reason I have continued to fight the school district the last 8 years is because I know my son deserves an education.

I am still completely disgusted that laws have been passed to be sure our children get an education based on eachs individu...
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tomorrows meeting & letter for placement

Posted by Tonni Brende on Thursday, December 17, 2009,

part of me says to quit fighting these idiots, to stop wasting my time trying to get them to offer something beneficial to my son

the other part says do not give up on what Johnathan deserves

I ain't no teacher. I can't find any kind of home speech therapist; for our aug comm training is free if they want it.?????????????????????????????

December 17, 2009


Tonni Brende

501 W. Colonel Dr.

Independence, Mo   64050



Independence School District


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School Meeting/IEP

Posted by Tonni Brende on Friday, October 23, 2009,
So we had this years IEP meeting. I had a letter all typed ready to go stating there was no reason for us to discuss anything since the Independence School District isn't educating kids like Johnathan, or offering updated therapies, so we had nothing to discuss but transfering to another district.
HOwever, since Johnatahn's IEP and evaluations are all expired, new ones needs to be done before placement can even be discussed. So then I stated that the school was not capable of doing adequate ev...
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Another School Year...will we be allowed an education this year??????

Posted by Tonni Brende on Friday, August 14, 2009,
As the school year is gettign ready to start, I again find myself registering Johnathan. He is a 5th grader this year, and still he doesn't recognize his own name.

Will they offer an education to Johnathan, or life skills again? He is a quad, his life skills will be done by others; but he ain't stupid, like they seem to think since they do not offer education to children as severe physically as my Johnathan.

Will they offer the therapies he needs, or continue with the dead, low grade therapies ...
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Posted by Tonni Brende on Thursday, November 13, 2008,

To anyone interested in individual educational needs and child safety:



I am sick and tired of having to fight for every little item necessary for my child to get an education within the Independence School District. I am sick and tired of being lied to and played a fool because I am not a district employee educated in the game playing tactics that only district employees are taught. These tactics are used as often as possible to prevent from giving each child the individual education they...

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