February 27, 2014
Feb 27, 2014
Sadly, with all our ups and downs medically, we will not be earning our way thru scouts, but we will continue to take Johnathan to all the events we can.

Cub Scouts Postponed due to surgery

July 12, 2010
Sadly, the twist of Johnathan's scoliosis has worsened enough to where surgery ASAP has placed pretty much everything on hold for Johnathan. He can't handle sittign long in any chair, his brace is obsolete, and even eating is becoming an issue.
We were earlier offered to place Johnathan in the same group as Zane and wanted him to start at the beginning, so opted to start him with Connor. I believe we will now take them up on their offer and place him in the Bears with Zane. But all will have t...
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Starting Scouts in May

January 26, 2010
Tonight we are meeting with one of the heads of Pack 221, so they can meet Johnathan and we can all get a feel for how Johnathan can proudly wear the cub scout uniform and earn his badges. I am very excited for this journey to begin. We have doen scouting for over a year with our son Zane and our other son Connor has eagerly been awaiting his chance to start. We have decided to start Johnathan and Connor together. Knowing there is a scout pack for disabled individuals, we opted to place Johna...
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