Tonight we are meeting with one of the heads of Pack 221, so they can meet Johnathan and we can all get a feel for how Johnathan can proudly wear the cub scout uniform and earn his badges. I am very excited for this journey to begin. We have doen scouting for over a year with our son Zane and our other son Connor has eagerly been awaiting his chance to start. We have decided to start Johnathan and Connor together. Knowing there is a scout pack for disabled individuals, we opted to place Johnathan with oru other boys to make the hole process easier on the family as a whole. Johnatahn could start in his age group also, but we know that earning all those badges can be hard and we do not want to make him have to earn past and present badges all at once. Starting as a Tiger Cubs will ensure Johnathan gets every opportunity and lesson the scouts has to offer.

And for any of you parents that that like I did, in the past, that scouting was just a bunch of wierdos in wild uniforms, know that we were so very wrong in our judgement call. Scouting teaches our boys all the moral values that we want them to learn in life. Scouting takes everything I teach my boys and then goes even farther with the selfesteem and helpign to point out things I may not even realized that I should have sat down and taught them. I was nervous when my 1st grader went to day camp and learned how to shoot a bow and arrow and a bb gun, but I am very thankful that in todays world, my son knows the realness behind weapons and their true purposes, plus any eager unsurities he may have while with friends have also already been adressed by trained professionals. I felt so much better when Zane taught me what I should have known to teach him.

Updates will come when we start in May as a Tiger Cub.