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Being an Unperson - very enlightening youtube video

Posted by Tonni Brende on Tuesday, September 14, 2010,
OMG...this is why my son does not go to school....there is too much truth and reality in this video for me not to want to throw it in everyones face....forgive me Lord

"It's about the dehumanization inherent in the system they worked in, the results of which they were likely to encounter in the people they worked for."

Had to son is only offered life skills to the verry basic instead of an education, therapie...

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Resources are need by us all.....

Posted by Tonni Brende on Tuesday, December 1, 2009,
When I 1st moved here to the Kansas CIty area, Johnathan was only 9 months old; this "special needs world" was all new to me. I never grew up with anyone in, or around, my family that had special needs of any kind.. However, since Johnathan's  diagnosis, my mother has had a stroke, my sister-in-law has been diagnosed with MS, and I have been diagnosed with Hepatitis C; so family has truly needed the resources I have learned over the years. Sadly, almost every day, I meet parents in similar si...
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