OMG...this is why my son does not go to school....there is too much truth and reality in this video for me not to want to throw it in everyones face....forgive me Lord

"It's about the dehumanization inherent in the system they worked in, the results of which they were likely to encounter in the people they worked for."

Had to son is only offered life skills to the verry basic instead of an education, therapies for the "average" child, not the severe and profound, and truly wasn't even properly nutritioned while there.....I filed a complaint with the state and learned they are not negligent in any way, these are the loopholes they have found in the laws that have been passed to supposedly protect these kids' educational rights....Independence, Missouri does not educate these children, or even offer them the "basics" that is necessary for them to succeed and the state backs them completely....who gave them the right to take education out of my childs school....anyway, the video tells so much more, it just made me feel like they were totally talkin about the people I have come accross while trying to get my son an education......I am so glad to hear that not all public schools are as ignorant as ours.....we do have an awesome private school a town away, but sadly Independence says they can educate so will nto pay for us to go anywhere else.....funny, for they don't know what education is apparently...
Just my opinion though...