weekend ER & in-patient stay
My overall healthy 12 yr old son started having sporadic high heart rates last Wednesday 140-205 by Friday afternoon. I took him to the ER and he was admitted. Luckily, when his evening dose of his baclofen pump kicked in, I saw his heart rate go from the 150's to the 130's.
Today I picked up a copy of the ER & Inpatient records as I am trying to get my son an airbed thru medicaid and felt that since they gave us one without arguement while in, it could help my case if I got this info to medicaid ASAP.
Well, itt never said one word about pressure sore or even the need for the bed, HOWEVER, what it did say made my blood pressure and heart rate sky rocket. I sooo hate Children's Mercy here in Kansas City, for they are known for their ignorance when it comes to the care of special needs childre. I know some parents love them, but I truly feel if all aspects were looked at, charts read in full (as I have), they would agree with their ignorance in knowing it takes a team to keep these kids safe and th ewone that knows the most about the said child is the parents and those few docs that have "listened" to those parents, not just read some book.
Here are jsut a few misrepresentations in this weekends notes: Please note they are from a doctor Renee P Cation from Children's Mercy downtown
- "mother denies syncope" - mother saw alert child, I ain't denying, I ain't lying...
- "last neurology note from 2007 indicated these episodes are likely seizures" - funny that I filed a complaint about improper notations and diagnosies in my sons chart after a 15 month baclofen pump hell back in 2009 and was told that this issue was solved, so no one can pullk it up and use it as a basis for future care, thus causing possible harm to my son by its misrepresentation...but again, I told them of all this, just in case, and yet they still did not listen and used it to further misdiagnose my son
- foudn Johnathans magnesium was high, one doc thought a thyroid check up may be usefull, also an EEG, and maybe a cardiology consult, but yuet some of these were never even discused with me and none of them are on the discharge notations
-"child was in a very anxiety provoking situation" - we were at the mall for the millionth time in his 12 years
- "child is extremely deconditioned" - are you serious, you went there why, oh, yes, cause you got your degree from a book
-"tolerating normal diet" - yet he puked up his morning feed and meds
-"exibiting normal behavior" - yet I know I stated he was lethargic that day
-no where does it state about the low blood pressures he had over night?????
-no where does it state about his heart rate still increase, as the 140 when we 1st got him up into wheelchair????
-"her only medical knowledge is past experience: - oh yes she did
- "and has trouble understanding childs disease with potential progression" - yes, she felt the need to go ther ein front of friends that had no idea of this reality. where in the hell does this doctor think she has such a right, yet alone when it isn't even pertinent information.
- "she does not follow directions very strictly, for she "eyeballs" the amount of neurontin by opening a capsule - WOW, really, you gonna dis my sons docs too, this has gone too far, she even went as far as "I believe this should be addressed by PMD, will contact directly" - yes, she did, she got her degreee from a crackerjack box and I will be stating her need to work as a caregiver of a special needs child for one month, yet I cringe as I say that, for I would never want to subject any child to her care.
Now, of course I have let all of Johnathan's docs know how they have too been discredited by this doctor. I have filed a complaint with patient advocacy and medical records, and suggested this PMD place get my notations along with Ms Cation. DISGUSTING what we parents have to go thru when faced with non-educated doctors.